See also: for HTTP Client part of process_lib.

Note: Most processes will not use this API directly. Instead, they will use the process_lib library, which papers over this API and provides a set of types and functions which are much easier to natively use. This is mostly useful for re-implementing this module in a different client or performing niche actions unsupported by the library.

The HTTP client is used for sending and receiving HTTP requests and responses. It is also used for connecting to a websocket endpoint as a client. From a process, you may send an HttpClientAction to the http-client:distro:sys process. The action must be serialized to JSON and sent in the body of a request. HttpClientAction is an enum type that includes both HTTP and websocket actions.

fn main() {
/// Request type sent to the `http-client:distro:sys` service.
/// Always serialized/deserialized as JSON.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum HttpClientAction {
    WebSocketOpen {
        url: String,
        headers: HashMap<String, String>,
        channel_id: u32,
    WebSocketPush {
        channel_id: u32,
        message_type: WsMessageType,
    WebSocketClose {
        channel_id: u32,

The websocket actions, WebSocketOpen, WebSocketPush, and WebSocketClose all require a channel_id. The channel_id is used to identify the connection, and must be unique for each connection from a given process. Two or more connections can have the same channel_id if they are from different processes. OutgoingHttpRequest is used to send an HTTP request.

fn main() {
/// HTTP Request type that can be shared over Wasm boundary to apps.
/// This is the one you send to the `http-client:distro:sys` service.
/// BODY is stored in the lazy_load_blob, as bytes
/// TIMEOUT is stored in the message expect_response value
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct OutgoingHttpRequest {
    /// must parse to [`http::Method`]
    pub method: String,
    /// must parse to [`http::Version`]
    pub version: Option<String>,
    /// must parse to [`url::Url`]
    pub url: String,
    pub headers: HashMap<String, String>,

All requests to the HTTP client will receive a response of Result<HttpClientResponse, HttpClientError> serialized to JSON. The process can await or ignore this response, although the desired information will be in the HttpClientResponse if the request was successful. An HTTP request will have an HttpResponse defined in the http-server module. A websocket request (open, push, close) will simply respond with a HttpClientResponse::WebSocketAck.

fn main() {
/// Response type received from the `http-client:distro:sys` service after
/// sending a successful [`HttpClientAction`] to it.
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum HttpClientResponse {
fn main() {
#[derive(Error, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum HttpClientError {
    // HTTP errors
    #[error("http-client: request is not valid HttpClientRequest: {req}.")]
    BadRequest { req: String },
    #[error("http-client: http method not supported: {method}.")]
    BadMethod { method: String },
    #[error("http-client: url could not be parsed: {url}.")]
    BadUrl { url: String },
    #[error("http-client: http version not supported: {version}.")]
    BadVersion { version: String },
    #[error("http-client: failed to execute request {error}.")]
    RequestFailed { error: String },

    // WebSocket errors
    #[error("http-client: failed to open connection {url}.")]
    WsOpenFailed { url: String },
    #[error("http-client: failed to send message {req}.")]
    WsPushFailed { req: String },
    #[error("http-client: failed to close connection {channel_id}.")]
    WsCloseFailed { channel_id: u32 },

The HTTP client can also receive external websocket messages over an active client connection. These incoming websocket messages are processed and sent as HttpClientRequest to the process that originally opened the websocket. The message itself is accessible with get_blob().

fn main() {
/// Request that comes from an open WebSocket client connection in the
/// `http-client:distro:sys` service. Be prepared to receive these after
/// using a [`HttpClientAction::WebSocketOpen`] to open a connection.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum HttpClientRequest {
    WebSocketPush {
        channel_id: u32,
        message_type: WsMessageType,
    WebSocketClose {
        channel_id: u32,
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