Install kit

These documents describe some ways you can use these tools, but do not attempt to be completely exhaustive. You are encouraged to make use of the --help flag, which can be used for the top-level kit command:

$ kit --help
Development toolkit for Kinode

Usage: kit <COMMAND>

  boot-fake-node       Boot a fake node for development [aliases: f]
  boot-real-node       Boot a real node [aliases: e]
  build                Build a Kinode package [aliases: b]
  build-start-package  Build and start a Kinode package [aliases: bs]
  chain                Start a local chain for development [aliases: c]
  connect              Connect (or disconnect) a ssh tunnel to a remote server
  dev-ui               Start the web UI development server with hot reloading (same as `cd ui && npm i && npm run dev`) [aliases: d]
  inject-message       Inject a message to a running Kinode [aliases: i]
  new                  Create a Kinode template package [aliases: n]
  remove-package       Remove a running package from a node [aliases: r]
  reset-cache          Reset kit cache (Kinode core binaries, logs, etc.)
  run-tests            Run Kinode tests [aliases: t]
  setup                Fetch & setup kit dependencies
  start-package        Start a built Kinode package [aliases: s]
  update               Fetch the most recent version of kit
  view-api             Fetch the list of APIs or a specific API [aliases: v]
  help                 Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -v, --version  Print version
  -h, --help     Print help

or for any of the subcommands, e.g.:

kit new --help

The first chapter of the My First Kinode App tutorial shows the kit tools in action.

Getting kit

kit requires Rust. To get kit, run

# Install Rust if you don't have it.
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

# Install `kit`.
cargo install --git --locked

To update, run that same command or

kit update

You can find the source for kit at


Logs are printed to the terminal and stored, by default, at /tmp/kinode-kit-cache/logs/log.log. The default logging level is info. Other logging levels are: debug, warning and error.

These defaults can be changed by setting environment variables:

Environment VariableDescription
KIT_LOG_PATHSet log path (default /tmp/kinode-kit-cache/logs/log.log).
RUST_LOGSet log level (default info).

For example, in Bash:

export RUST_LOG=info
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