Managing Contacts

Like iOS and Android, Kinode OS includes a handy contacts system primitive, called contacts:contacts:sys. Using it is optional, but as a peer-to-peer application developer, importing existing contacts is a great way to bootstrap your protocol. Given the proper capabilities, an app can get the list of existing contacts, get information about a specific contact or all contacts, add new contacts, edit information about contacts, and remove contacts.

Each contact is a valid node identity that's been registered in kimap. Each contact has a map of fields which are labeled by a string key and contain a JSON value.

Here is the full WIT API for contacts:contacts:sys:

interface contacts {
    enum capability {

    variant request {
        get-names,                                // requires read-names-only
        get-all-contacts,                         // requires read
        get-contact(string),                      // requires read
        add-contact(string),                      // requires add
        // tuple<node, field, value>
        add-field(tuple<string, string, string>), // requires add
        remove-contact(string),                   // requires remove
        // tuple<node, field>
        remove-field(tuple<string, string>),      // requires remove

    variant response {
        get-all-contacts, // JSON all-contacts dict in blob
        get-contact,      // JSON contact dict in blob
        err(string),      // any failed request will receive this response

world contacts-sys-v0 {
    import contacts;
    include process-v0;

As described in the comments, each request requires a specific capability. Acquiring these capabilities is as simple as including them along with the messaging capability for contacts:contacts:sys in the manifest for your package, like so:

"request_capabilities": [
        "process": "contacts:contacts:sys",
        "params": "ReadNameOnly"
        "process": "contacts:contacts:sys",
        "params": "Read"
        "process": "contacts:contacts:sys",
        "params": "Add"
        "process": "contacts:contacts:sys",
        "params": "Remove"

Only request capabilities that your package actually needs. Users may reject installing an app that requests add or remove that they would otherwise feel comfortable allowing to read from contacts. ReadNameOnly is a good capability to request if the main purpose of using contacts:contacts:sys is simply to grab a list of node identities that the user might want to see content in your protocol from or play a game with.

To use the contacts primitive to get a list of existing contacts, follow these steps:

  1. Download or copy the WIT API file into your package /api folder

  2. Generate your WIT bindings to include this API (note that you can compose this with additional APIs if desired)

fn main() {
    path: "target/wit",
    world: "contacts-sys-v0",
    generate_unused_types: true,
    additional_derives: [PartialEq, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize],
  1. Request the proper capability in your manifest.json
"request_capabilities": [
        "process": "contacts:contacts:sys",
        "params": "ReadNameOnly"
  1. In your process, create the capability and use it to make a request
fn main() {
use crate::kinode::process::contacts;
use kinode_process_lib::{kiprintln, Address, Capability, Request};

let contacts_process = Address::from((our.node(), "contacts", "contacts", "sys"));

let read_names_cap = Capability::new(

let response = Request::to(&contacts_process)

// the response will be returned as a list of node identities, represented as strings
if let Ok(contacts::Response::GetNames(names)) = serde_json::from_slice(&response.body()) {
    kiprintln!("contacts: {:?}", names);
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