Useful helper functions can be found in the kinode_process_lib
More discussion of databases in Kinode can be found here.
Creating/Opening a database
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { use kinode_process_lib::kv; let kv = kv::open(our.package_id(), "birthdays")?; // You can now pass this KV struct as a reference to other functions }
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { let key = b"hello"; let value= b"world"; let returnvalue = kv.set(&key, &value, None)?; // The third argument None is for tx_id. // You can group sets and deletes and commit them later. }
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { let key = b"hello"; let returnvalue = kv.get(&key)?; }
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { let key = b"hello"; kv.delete(&key, None)?; }
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { let tx_id = kv.begin_tx()?; let key = b"hello"; let key2 = b"deleteme"; let value= b"value"; kv.set(&key, &value, Some(tx_id))?; kv.delete(&key, Some(tx_id))?; kv.commit_tx(tx_id)?; }
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { /// Actions are sent to a specific key value database, "db" is the name, /// "package_id" is the package. Capabilities are checked, you can access another process's /// database if it has given you the capability. pub struct KvRequest { pub package_id: PackageId, pub db: String, pub action: KvAction, } pub enum KvAction { Open, RemoveDb, Set { key: Vec<u8>, tx_id: Option<u64> }, Delete { key: Vec<u8>, tx_id: Option<u64> }, Get { key: Vec<u8> }, BeginTx, Commit { tx_id: u64 }, Backup, } pub enum KvResponse { Ok, BeginTx { tx_id: u64 }, Get { key: Vec<u8> }, Err { error: KvError }, } pub enum KvError { NoDb, KeyNotFound, NoTx, NoCap { error: String }, RocksDBError { action: String, error: String }, InputError { error: String }, IOError { error: String }, } }